Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Cheat mode:
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Note: Cheats can only be enabled in single player mode and custom maps. Also, some codes are case-sensitive.
Invincibility and one hit killswhosyourdaddy
Full mapiseedeadpeople
Instant victoryallyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeatsomebodysetupusthebomb
Continue playing after losing in campaign modestrengthandhonor
Remove spell cool downthedudeabides
Disable victory conditionsitvexesme
Gold; 500 is defaultkeysersoze 
Lumber; 500 is defaultleafittome 
Gold and lumber; 500 is defaultgreedisgood 
Fast constructionwarpten
Fast deathiocainepowder
No need for foodpointbreak
Fast researchwhoisjohngalt
Research upgradessharpandshiny
Disable Tech Tree requirements in campaignsynergy
Set time to morningriseandshine
Set time to eveninglightsout
Set time of daydaylightsavings <1-24>
Toggle daylight progressiondaylightsavings
Unlimited manathereisnospoon
Trees disappearabrakadabra
Your and allies heroes are level 10ihavethepower
20 footmenlamisilat
Level select1motherland 
Hear credits music (when used in single player mode)TenthLevelTaurenChieftain
Set maximum frame ratemaxfps()
Enable cheat table-test
No hero limit; requires -test to be activated first-noherolimit
Refresh mana, health, and skill cooldown-refresh
Maximum gold-gold 999999
Players get random heroes in DotA maps-ar
Select heroes from the opposite tavern in DotA maps-ap
Fun tavern-fun
Re-activate last command entered=

1. Example: motherland human 7. Note: Intermission sequences are counted in the level number.

Hint: Secret tower level:
In the third Human mission, where you need to escape a prison with the Elves, there is an entrance to a secret level. Around the horizontal center of the map, there is a winding corridor with several rooms you need to go into in order to get the power-ups and equipment. Look closely around the middle of the map to find a room. You need to bust through a door to get inside. The room has three different colored sheep surrounded by energy. In front of them are push-panels. When they are pushed, the corresponding sheep will say either "Bah", "Ram" or "Ewe". Push the panels in the following order: Bah, Ram, Ewe. You will get a door to a secret tower defense level after that mission. 

Hint: Panderan Brewmaster:
Follow the instructions on how to get to the "secret level" in the Human campaign. On the secret level, find and break open all the boxes to get the treasures. Then, complete it. If the final wave features a Panderan Brewmaster with an army of Panderans you have done it correctly. Afterwards a Brewmaster's voice will say "I bring Panda-monium" and a picture will show a Panda and what is apparently his daughter. In the next level you will be able to use a level 5 version of the Brewmaster you killed.

Hint: Secret Orc level:
Select the "Custom Campaign" option at the menu, then choose the "Exodus Of The Horde". The game wukk launch a screen with the selection of the first level. This extra campaign takes place after Thrall leaves Lorderon, but before Kalimdor.

Hint: Monolithic Creeps destruction:
In the special scenario game Monolithic Creeps, type -creepmeout to destroy any Night Elf, Human, Orc, or Undead units or buildings you own and build an army of creeps. You do not need to worry if you obtained wood by cheating and have the game say its been taken away by the "cheese police" because creeps do not need wood. Also, there are multiple workers if you choose to be creeps

Hint: Grank The Rat:
In the fourth Night Elf mission, Wrath Of The Betrayer, at the top left side of the map is a small garden and a fountain that only Maiev can visit. Use your Blink-spell to get to it. In there, you can find a rat with the name "Grank the Rat", which has 100% Evasion and Spell Immunity.

In the Night Elf mission where you have to escort the runner to the escape point, in the upper left corner of the map near the escape point is a creature named "Grank the Rat", who cannot be killed by normal means. In order to kill Grank, you must continuously click on him until he explodes. He will drop a Talisman of Evasion which supplies a 15% evasion rate.

Hint: The Pandaren Brewmaster:
Play the Night Elf mission where you have to escort the runner. In the lower left corner in the very back of the map is a Pandaeran relaxation area. A Brewmaster is here. He will spout some gibberish and drop Slippers Of Agility.

Hint: BloodFeast The Abomination and The Zombie Master:
On the Undead mission, The Flight From Lordearon, you can re-summon a Zombie Master and BloodFeast the Abomination near the end. On this mission you find a Staff of Animate somewhere (not hidden). You will find a room with Necromancers summoning something, and a few enemies such as Ghouls and Crypt Fiends. Kill them, then go on the pile of where the Necromancers were summoning and use the Staff to summon a Zombie Master for sixty seconds to help you fight. BloodFeast the Abomination can be summoned the same way. 

Hint: Drunken Panda picture:
Successfully complete all the levels in the "Secret tower level" to see a picture of the Drunken Panda along with what seems to be his daughter. Then in the next chapter, you can use him to help.

Hint: Giant Penguin:
In the fourth Undead mission, The Return To Nothrend, you will find a giant penguin in the left corner on the island that you started on. Kill the guarding sea lions and destroy the tent so you can approach it. Then, kill the penguin itself. You will get a Ring Of Superiority. A normal penguin will spawn next to it. You can kill it, but it will not give you anything.

Hint: The Lich King in Lordaeron:
King Arthas, the Lich King and the frozen throne can be found in the first Undead mission. Go to the far left in the middle on the mini map. You will see a blank circle. Click on it, and it will take you to what seems to be the mountain where the Lich King is found. If you press[Insert], you will get a straight view of the Lich King and the frozen throne.

Hint: Albarto:
In the first mission of the second campaign, near your encampment is a bird flying near the coast named Albatro. Kill it (try using a Rifleman) near the coast and it will drop a Robe of the Magi +6.

Hint: Giant Golem:
You can get Claws Of Attack +3 by killing a Giant Golem after you exit the ruins of the first observatory. He is hidden between a lot of trees, and may be difficult to find.

Hint: Get other heroes:
In the scenario with the strange monoliths, go the Undead and make sure there are four other forest patrols. Enable the synergy,sharpandshiny (three times), thereisnospoonwhosyourdaddy and iseedeadpeople codes. Use the Banshees to posses the monolithic creeps and get their items. If you do not have a hero, you can get their heroes. The creeps can be the Murlocs, the Furbolgs, the Spiders, the Satrys, the Beasts (their peasant is a fawn), the Wolves (their hero is a werewolf), and the Trolls. Wipe out the other forest patrols, as they build in your base.

Click on the "Frozen Throne" file at the map selection screen. It should be at the top of the list. After this, a new list of maps should appear. Each map has a building called "Tavern". Lead any of your heroes there and you will be able to buy new heroes that you have already used in the campaign (Rexxar, etc.).

Hint: Talk to Illidan ghost:
On the second Night Elf mission, you have to find Illidan and prevent him from taking Sargaras Eye. Just in front of the gate before him, use Blink to the other side of the gate. You can now kill Illidan and destroy the eye. Destroy the gate after that, and you will talk to someone who is not there, but Illidan's voice can be heard. Note: Tote: This is easier if you enable the iseedeadpeople and whosyourdaddy codes.

Hint: Base defense as Night Elves:
Take any kind of Night Elf base (Tree Of Ages, Tree Of Eternity, etc.) in multi-player mode and send it to an area where there are a lot of trees. Use the Eat Tree ability and get in as far as you can without revealing the path to your enemy. Once your opponent takes out your base, he will give up looking for you. For better results research Nature's Blessing and make sure you use a Tree Of Ages that you are expanding with, rather then the one your opponent is using. When you use the Eat Tree ability, remember to be very discrete so your opponent does not see it.

Hint: Build other race's units and buildings as Undead:
Play the Undead in a custom or multi-player game. Use a Banshee with the Posses ability to take over a Peasant or Wisp. This gives you the ability to build that race's units and construct their buildings. This also gives you access to train their heroes.
Use an Undead Banshee or a Dark Ranger to convert a Peon, Peasant, Wisp, or Acolyte to your side. You can now make their buildings and create their units and heroes.

Hint: Electric ball attack for a hero:
Get a Night Elf, Undead, Human and Orc Workers by Banshee. Built an item shop for that race. Build a hero and make him visit each shop, buying one orb. After you are done with that you hero should have a ball floating around him and he will attack buildings with it. You hero will gain poison, cold, fire, curse, effects from the orb and an extra 20 attack points.

Hint: 100 damage Demon Hunter:
Get a Demon Hunter with Metamorphosis and use it. Then, enable the thedudeabides code to have the cool down done fast, then click the active Metamorphosis. Your Demon Hunter should turn back to its original form, however instead of "level ##" it will say "Metamorphosis" with the bar going down . When the bar hits zero, your Demon Hunter's attack should hit for 96 to 100 damage.

Hint: Recommended spell combos:
Choose your hero of choice, then choose Bloodlust as your basic ability. Next, choose Chain Lightning as a basic, Divine Shield or Holy Light as a basic, Endurance Aura as your basic aura, Spiked Carapace as your basic hero attribute, and then for your ultimate choose Dopplegang.

Hint: Sending all units at the same time:
To send all of your units at the same time to one location, make all of your units follow one to twelve other units. Then send those one to twelve other units to a location. All of your other units will follow them.

Hint: Funny comments:
Keep clicking the mouse over various units to hear funny comments. For example, click on the riflemen enough and he will quote Fat Bastard and say "Get in mah belly!"; the mortar teams say "Tassadar has failed us. You must not." (a phrase from Starcraft).
The goblin demolition crews quotes Beavis from Beavis And Butthead by saying "Are you threatening me?"
An acolyte for the Undead will say "All I see is darkness; Oh wait my hood is down." An Orcish grunt will say "Quit poking me" and other phrases that consist with you poking him.
Click on certain human units and they will quote Monty Python And The Holy Grail with comments such as "She's a witch!"
Repeatedly click the Pitlord and he will start an interview.
Keep clicking on the female archers on the Night Elf team. She will say, "I asked for a bow string not a g - oh never mind!"

Hint: Battle.net Hero Builder Arena: Use low level arena when after level 500:
Use the following trick if you have played the Hero Builder Arena and want to kill the low level critters who follow you around against the wall. Get Chain Lightning as one of your basics then zap one of the critters against the wall. It will chain out and kill almost all of the remaining low level critters. Note: Do not leave the low level arena until level 500.

Hint: Diablo reference:
In the last Human mission, Lord of the Outland, where you need to assault the Lord's castle, you can find the Butcher and Wirt's other leg (from Diablo) just northwest of where you start. The Butcher will also say the same sentence, that he did in Diablo, "Fresh meat".

Hint: Starcraft reference:
In the third Human mission, where you need to escape the prison with the Blood Elves and Vashj, there are three colored sheep about in the bottom middle of the map with platforms in front of them. If you step on the platforms in order, you will come out with a "Bah Ram Ewe". Also, you can get a bonus level to defend the Portal to the Nether Land.

Hint: Warcraft 3 reference:
In the first Undead mission, King Arthas, you can find Little Timmy from the original Warcraft 3. He is in the woods, left of the town which is northwest of the three Altars. Little Timmy will sell you some Ice Shards, which are useful both later in the game and the campaign.

On the fourth undead mission, the are a few openings on the northeast part of the map. One of them has some Tusken men guarding it. Kill them and move down the canal to find some more Tuskens and a pen full of small penguins. Kill the men and click on the penguins. One of them is named "Little Timmy", the child Arthas saved in Reign of Chaos.

Hint: The Matrix reference:
In the "Monoliths" level, the Fulborg hero's names are Neo, Morpheus and Trinity.

Hint: Guard names:
In the prison mission, you will find various humorously named guards, such as one called Trogdor. It is interesting that he is burninated almost immediately after you see him. Other guards will have names like Seth, Marcus, or Troy.

Hint: Hidden items:
Destroy huts, tents, or other homes. Some of them will have hidden items such as Scroll of Town Portals, Potions of Mana, etc. Pick them up for later use.

Hint: Mini-games:There are two mini-games available. Select "Custom Game", then "Scenarios" to find a mini-game where you have to dodge sheep, and another where you play as a hero and kill things.

Glitch: Invisible Illidan:
Activate the whosyourdaddy and iseedeadpeople codes then enter level 3 of the Night Elf main campaign. This should be the level where you are in the Tomb of Sangares. When you see the last gate, blink in and kill everyone inside. Then, break down the door. During the intermission sequence, Illidan will ether be invisible or a talking corpse.

Strategy guides from GameFAQs

Saved game file: by Wolf
Trainer: All missions unlocked by Myth 
Trainer: +5 by PiZZA 
Trainer: +5 1.22a or by Deviated 
Trainer: +4 v1.24c by Deviated

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